6 German Gaming Podcasts for on the Go


RocketBeans TV is all about digital pop culture, gaming and generally entertainment. That’s exactly what you can expect in their podcast Plauschangriff – very likeable and very good for on the go. In their episodes you’ll find, among other things, two-hour deep dives on current game titles, but also sentimental retrospectives on consoles of the last 30 years.

GamesStar Podcast

GameStar is one of the most famous game magazines in Germany. Online as well as in the magazine you will find reviews, tests, news, guides and much more. But instead of reading or watching the video formats, you can just sit back and listen to the gaming podcast while falling asleep or traveling.

To Be On Pod

Where there’s gaming, there’s nostalgia. For their listeners, the hosts of To Be On Pod reminisce about the entire history of the video game world. If you want to become a retro-nerd, check out this german gaming podcast.

Stay Forever

Since To Be On Pod is a fairly fresh format, we’re going to follow up with the next retro podcast, so you enjoy some more episodes. Former GameStar colleagues Gunnar Lott and Christian Schmidt release podcast episodes about older games and consoles every month since 2011.

Auf ein Bier

What an intro: It ripples and foams while the guitar introduces the dialogue between André Peschke and Jochen Gebauer. The two don’t want to be too conventional, but rather independent and critical in their approach to topics in the gaming scene. But it is not limited to that: Their high spirits lift up the listening crowd.


“More or less dignified aging veterans from the gaming industry talk about computer and video games from back then and now.” From the first few seconds in the podcast intro, it’s clear who the podcast is aimed at. The cover image also speaks volumes: an aged Pac-Man is being pushed in a wheelchair by one of his former counterparts to eat his points.